Path to AWS Solution Architect Certification

Alexey Novakov published on

11 min, 2099 words

Earlier this year I started learning few Udemy courses for AWS Solution Architect Associate Certification. My initial plan was just to get some basic knowledge about AWS services, not the certification itself. Before starting the course, I did not have any experience with native AWS services. I never used EC2 instances to launch something in production. However, I used EC2 fleet of instances to deploy Kubernetes cluster. I started my path to cloud-native tools with Docker and shifted later to Kubernetes and OpenShift. Pure AWS services were never on my radar. I think the experience of deploying Kubernetes on top of the EC2 instances is one thing, but using different AWS services like ELB, EBS, EFS, EC2 and S3 is completely another story. So I decided it is time to get to know what are those AWS main services. After coming to the end of the Udemy course, I realised it worth to go for certification to make a final point in my AWS education. As I already spent so much time.

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Categories: cloud

Algorithms: Largest Sum Contiguous Subarray

Alexey Novakov published on

2 min, 297 words

Most of the algorithmic tasks are related to iterating over arrays of data. They often can be expressed as a function which takes some input and returns some single value or an array of values. For instance:

def maxSum(a: Array[Int]): Array[Int] = ???
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Categories: scala

SBT Plugins

Alexey Novakov published on

8 min, 1554 words

SBT is a Scala Build Tool. It is written in Scala and can compile, build artefacts for Scala and Java projects. SBT is also the first build tool in the Scala eco-system and the most used one among Scala developers. I am using SBT already for many years and found the following useful plugins which I use in most of my projects:

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Categories: scala

Monads in Scala

Alexey Novakov published on

9 min, 1784 words

Once you start dig deeper into Scala and its suitability for functional programming, you meet Monads. In this blog post, we will explore Monads in Scala: their usage and usefulness.

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Categories: scala

Tags: fp